About the Health Economics Facility (HEF)
Health economics and health services research contribute to the efficient use of limited healthcare resources and, thus, to the sustainability and quality of healthcare. Health economics is a key element of strong life sciences research infrastructures, and plays a major role in the sustainable translation of medical research and progress into practice. It bridges gaps between the development of healthcare interventions, clinical research, and program implementation. The Health Economics Facility conducts research projects with a health economic and health services research focus. It functions as key resource for research teams in all departments of the Faculty of Medicine and provides health economic expertise and cooperation possibilities for ongoing or planned projects.

Organizational links
The HEF is one of three founding affiliate institutions that comprise the Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE), alongside the Household Economics and Health Systems Research Unit at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and the Professorships in Health Economics (Prof. Stefan Felder & Prof. Armando Meier) at the Faculty of Business Economics.

Postal and Street Address
Health Economics Facility
University of Basel
c/o European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Klingelbergstrasse 61
4056 Basel