About the Health Economics Facility (HEF)
To address current and future needs for health economic activity and expertise, the HEF was formed within the Department of Public Health (DPH) of the Medical Faculty. Our HEF team members are comprised of research staff of the European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM) and the Institute of Nursing Science (INS). The ECPM is looking back on a long history of health economic research that started in 2003. Starting from this background, the HEF is being developed as an integral part of the Medical Faculty’s research infrastructure.

Organizational links
The HEF is one of three founding affiliate institutions that comprise the Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE), alongside the Household Economics and Health Systems Research Unit at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and the Professorships in Health Economics (Prof. Stefan Felder & Prof. Armando Meier) at the Faculty of Business Economics.

Postal and Street Address
Health Economics Facility
University of Basel
c/o European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Klingelbergstrasse 61
4056 Basel